Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 11

The Big Bang Theory S07E11

Sheldon is visiting Texas while his twin sister gives birth to a baby. While Sheldon's friends decorate Sheldon and Leonard's Christmas tree, Amy explains that most of the gang would not know each other if Sheldon had not been in their lives. Inspired by a conversation regarding It's a Wonderful Life, everybody wonders what those lives would be like. Penny notes that Leonard would probably be too afraid to ask Penny out, Bernadette observes that she would not have gone out with Howard (since she would have been turned off by his childish interaction with Raj), and Leonard predicts that Penny would be living with Zack Johnson (but their relationship would sour because they would run low on rent payments, with Zack trading rent money for useless items like magic beans). Next, Amy observes that if Leonard had not been Sheldon's roommate, Penny would have tried to seduce Sheldon. Howard notes that he probably would still be devoted to caring for his mother even after she was dead (a la Psycho), and Raj says that if Leonard had moved in with him, he would have gained a significant amount of weight (since he would not have had a girlfriend and would subsequently take comfort in Raj's cooking, although Leonard also predicts that in that reality, both of them would be fat). Finally, Amy observes that if she had not met Sheldon, she would have been very sad and emotional.
Meanwhile, Sheldon keeps everyone up to date on the birth of his nephew via Skype conversations with Amy, and he is clearly shaken by the things he is seeing. Finally, when the baby is born, Amy convinces a reluctant Sheldon to bond with him, reasoning that although he never had an intelligent role model growing up, he can be one for his nephew. Afterwards, the others agree that Amy probably had a great influence on Sheldon, although Amy is not very happy about it. To cheer her up, Leonard goes to Sheldon's laptop and shows her something Sheldon had sworn him to secrecy about: Amy's photo is among the superheros and scientists he adores on his screensaver. This improves Amy's mood because she knows that he is so into her, and when he returns home from Texas, Amy is glad to have him back, while Sheldon is just glad to be home.
Finally, after previously inserting himself into many of his friends' imaginations, Stuart imagines himself as Penny's suave boyfriend, while both Raj and Leonard are fat.

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