Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 2

The Big Bang Theory S07E02

Leonard gets back early and hides in Penny's apartment so that they can spend some time together alone, and asks her to keep it a secret from Sheldon. Because of Sheldon's paranoid treatment and the clear signs someone else is in the apartment, he deduces that Penny is cheating on Leonard while he is away. Bursting into Penny's place to catch her in the act, he and Amy find Leonard there who apologizes. Sheldon gets mad at Leonard for not telling him he is home, and refuses to believe anything he says, although they eventually reconcile with the help of Howard.
Meanwhile, Howard is suffering from the effects of his mother's estrogen-based massage cream, making him very emotional, and, to Bernadette's disgust, very hormonal. Raj helps him through it, although his intimate actions in helping are very unsettling and freaky to Bernadette.

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