Friday, January 3, 2014

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 12

The Big Bang Theory S01E12

Penny gets a bit part on NCIS but is devastated when her scene is cut. After Leonard tells Penny how hard it is to become a star, she feels like he does not believe in her. Leonard brings her an Internet offer where one submits a video to get a part in the new Star Wars movie. Frustrated and tipsy, Penny complains that she has been in L.A. for ten years with no success. Leonard reminds her that she does have him. Penny agrees, gets down on one knee, and asks him to marry her. Leonard replies "Uhhhh" since she is upset and drunk. She leaves with Leonard thinking that their relationship might be over.
Sheldon wants to learn how to become funnier and tries to develop a theory of universal humor. He bores Amy who does appreciate it when he drops his pants for a humorous effect. Raj and Stuart plan to go to the mall to improve their ability to talk to women and end up talking to the security guard.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 11

The Big Bang Theory S07E11

Sheldon is visiting Texas while his twin sister gives birth to a baby. While Sheldon's friends decorate Sheldon and Leonard's Christmas tree, Amy explains that most of the gang would not know each other if Sheldon had not been in their lives. Inspired by a conversation regarding It's a Wonderful Life, everybody wonders what those lives would be like. Penny notes that Leonard would probably be too afraid to ask Penny out, Bernadette observes that she would not have gone out with Howard (since she would have been turned off by his childish interaction with Raj), and Leonard predicts that Penny would be living with Zack Johnson (but their relationship would sour because they would run low on rent payments, with Zack trading rent money for useless items like magic beans). Next, Amy observes that if Leonard had not been Sheldon's roommate, Penny would have tried to seduce Sheldon. Howard notes that he probably would still be devoted to caring for his mother even after she was dead (a la Psycho), and Raj says that if Leonard had moved in with him, he would have gained a significant amount of weight (since he would not have had a girlfriend and would subsequently take comfort in Raj's cooking, although Leonard also predicts that in that reality, both of them would be fat). Finally, Amy observes that if she had not met Sheldon, she would have been very sad and emotional.
Meanwhile, Sheldon keeps everyone up to date on the birth of his nephew via Skype conversations with Amy, and he is clearly shaken by the things he is seeing. Finally, when the baby is born, Amy convinces a reluctant Sheldon to bond with him, reasoning that although he never had an intelligent role model growing up, he can be one for his nephew. Afterwards, the others agree that Amy probably had a great influence on Sheldon, although Amy is not very happy about it. To cheer her up, Leonard goes to Sheldon's laptop and shows her something Sheldon had sworn him to secrecy about: Amy's photo is among the superheros and scientists he adores on his screensaver. This improves Amy's mood because she knows that he is so into her, and when he returns home from Texas, Amy is glad to have him back, while Sheldon is just glad to be home.
Finally, after previously inserting himself into many of his friends' imaginations, Stuart imagines himself as Penny's suave boyfriend, while both Raj and Leonard are fat.

Friday, December 6, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 10

The Big Bang Theory S07E10

Sheldon is interviewed on NPR and walks off when Ira Flatow wants to discuss how his discovery was based upon a large mistake made on his part. Amy brings in Sheldon's friend Wil Wheaton to talk about how to deal with fame, undeserved as Sheldon sees it. With Sheldon feeling better, Leonard comes in with his own solution telling him that he disproved the existence of the heavy element. Sheldon then does an about face and gets mad at him for eliminating the one thing that made him famous. Finally NPR wants to discuss Leonard's work and Sheldon breaks into the program and, as usual, starts to talk about his own life.
Raj's apartment building is being fumigated and both he and Cinnamon moved in the the Wolowitz's for a week. He is so kind and helpful, his presence points outs the deficiencies in both Howard and Bernadette's relationship causing them to fight even though normally they are very happy together. Raj gets thrown out and he moves in with Leonard and Sheldon. Immediately he starts giving Amy and Sheldon relationship advice which causes Amy to tell him to leave.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 9

The Big Bang Theory S07E09

Everyone celebrates Thanksgiving at Mrs. Wolowitz's house since Bernadette's mom is in Arizona. Sheldon keeps comparing being dragged to Howard's house as being in slavery. Raj, Bernadette and Amy do the cooking. Penny mentions a Thanksgiving she had in Las Vegas with Zack Johnson where they used one of those "fake" wedding chapels. Her friends tell her that they are real and that she is Mrs. Zack Johnson. Howard is unhappy as Sheldon starts to bond over football with his father-in-law and they share a beer. Penny invites Zack over to sign the annulment papers to end their marriage. Zack is shown to be as dim as ever since he is worried about how ending the marriage will affect their non-existent kids. Sheldon really bonds with Howard's father-in-law, calls Amy a really "great gal" and then swats her on the rear to go get them some more beers. Amy is happy at the attention. Finally everybody sits down to dinner.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 8

The Big Bang Theory S07E08

While rummaging through the closet, Leonard finds a DVD that should have been returned seven years ago. Leonard desperately asks Sheldon not to flip out though he remains perfectly calm. He wants Leonard to know, metaphorically, what the itch in his brain is like when something isn't right and can't be scratched. Sheldon makes Leonard wear an itchy sweater until the DVD issue is resolved so that Leonard can metaphorically walk in his shoes. Leonard searches for the store that is out of business, the owner who is dead and his next of kin that doesn't exist while also getting a bad rash from the sweater. After Leonard takes it off, Sheldon tells him that he paid the fine years ago.
Penny meets Lucy, Raj's ex-girlfriend, at the Cheesecake Factory and gets mad at her for breaking up with him by texting. Lucy calls Raj to have coffee to apologize. Raj is hoping that they can get back together; however, she is now seeing someone. Penny sets him up with a friend and Raj freaks out in front of her.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 7

The Big Bang Theory S07E07

Sheldon, Leonard and Amy run into Dr. Arthur Jeffries (Professor Proton) at the drug store. Sheldon eagerly talks to him and introduces him to Amy. Arthur remembers Sheldon and especially Leonard, because of Penny. At work the next day, Leonard gets an e-mail from Arthur asking him to look over his recent paper, while Sheldon gets no such request. As he wonders why he wasn't asked, Amy points it out to him that, to some people, he may sometimes come across as annoying. Sheldon goes to apologize to Arthur, only to annoy him more. The next day, while Leonard is helping Arthur at work, Sheldon informs them he has now befriended TV scientist, Bill Nye. Bill looks excited to meet Arthur, who holds a grudge against him for stealing his show's idea. After Sheldon and Bill leave, Arthur asks Leonard how he manages to be friends with Sheldon. He explains that, while Sheldon has his quirks, he is the smartest person Leonard knows and they both need each other. Later, Arthur decides to let Sheldon read his paper, but Sheldon admits he had already hacked into his e-mail account to read it. Sheldon invites him for tea, which Arthur accepts once he sees Penny in the apartment.
Meanwhile, Raj and the girls are making jewelry during girls' night. Howard crashes the party, indirectly makes fun of Raj's lack of masculinity, and helps the girls with their jewelry by offering them more sophisticated equipment to use. Howard joins the girls again for another girls' night, which upsets Raj again. Raj turns his jealousy into cynical remarks and Howard apologizes to Raj after finding out how much his feelings were hurt. Amy ends with a remark that the two of them will end up having sex before Sheldon and her do. Raj later apologizes to Howard by making a lightsaber belt buckle with the jewelry techniques he learned from Howard. He then suggests that they have "lightsaber battle" with his buckle as well.

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 6

The Big Bang Theory S07E06

Sheldon calculates how to synthesize a new, stable superheavy element, but then realizes that his discovery was only due to a serendipitous mistake, which spoils his achievement making him feel like a fraud. When his friends, co-workers and the scientific community heap lavish praise on him, Sheldon wants everyone to stop the adulation. Amy finally tells him he is not deserving of the attention, which Sheldon surprisingly notes is the most romantic thing Amy could ever tell him. At the end of the episode, Amy daydreams that Sheldon made the mistake because he was distracted by wanting to kiss her.
Howard gets everyone to join him in performing a song he wrote for Bernadette, to commemorate the anniversary of their first date. Bernadette has a lab accident handling a raccoon virus and is placed in quarantine. Howard and the gang go to the hospital and sing the song for her. Seeing this, Penny tries to do something romantic for Leonard, after he says that she never does anything like that. As she becomes more frustrated and asks Raj for help, she realizes that she has always been a recipient of romantic gestures and does not know how to do them for another. When she tells Leonard that she wishes she could be as romantic as he is, she produces a box with dozens of mementos – examples of romantic things Leonard has done during their time together. Leonard is shocked, and thinks that the mere fact that Penny has kept all these things is incredibly romantic. The two then share a long embrace.